Green Marketing

April 2024 – Green Marketing, also called Sustainable Advertising, is the promotion of environmentally friendly business practices, products, or services, highlighting corporate and brand commitments to sustainability. Green marketing offers many advantages, including brand recognition, competitive advantage, positive social impact, easy regulatory compliance, increased revenue, reduced environmental impacts, and enhanced climate change resilience. However, there are challenges facing green marketing, such as greenwashing risk, complex logistics and supply chain changes, lack of consumer awareness, and lack of standards. In 2018, at the Conference of the Parties COP24, the UN ActNow green campaign was launched using advertising to encourage sustainable behavior and environmental protection. In 2022, the United Nations partnered with WhatsApp to reach millions of users, encouraging them to take steps to protect the planet.

In this slideshow, you will learn about the definition, advantages, challenges, solutions, strategies, pillars, UN policy, and global statistics of Green Marketing and Sustainable Advertising.

green marketing ppt.
sustainable advertising ppt.
sustainable marketing ppt.
green marketing definition.
Subway station corridor with coca-cola advertisements on the wall next to an escalator, promoting recycling and reuse of glass bottles.
green advertising ppt.
Graphic summarizing green marketing challenges: brand harm, standards scarcity, high expectations, and awareness issues, with as the source.
Image displaying a graphic titled "green marketing solutions" with sections on standards, logistics, high expectation, and awareness, emphasizing ethical environmental practices in business.
green marketing strategies.
green advertising ppt.
Infographic depicting the environmental pillar of green marketing, highlighting efficiency optimization, ghg reduction, sustainable packaging, and recycling programs.
Infographic titled "green marketing social pillar" listing engagement, labor standards, consumer trust, and human rights with a logo and website url.
Slide titled "green marketing economic pillar" featuring bullet points on risk management, sustainability monitoring, conflict avoidance, and philanthropy. includes a dollar symbol emblem, and website link.
Close-up of a united nations flag with the text "policy support" superimposed, partially blurred background with unidentifiable figures.
Promotional image for the un actnow campaign, highlighting its 2018 launch at cop24 and 2022 partnership with whatsapp for sustainable advertising.
Text "infographics" above a row of four colorful triangles with varying heights, each labeled with a number (3.6, 6.6, 9.7, 4.1) representing data points.
Text "marketing & advertising industry spending" in white and blue on a gray background.
Bar chart showing an increase in global marketing and advertising spending from 2021 to 2024, with a 20% increase highlighted.
Infographic showing european companies' spending on green marketing in 2022: 85% will increase, 11% will remain the same, 4% will decrease.
Text "marketing & advertising industry challenges" in blue and white on a dark gray background.
Chart titled "leading digital advertising challenges worldwide (2023)" lists top issues like reaching target audience and ensuring roi, with percentages from a source at
Bar chart showing factors leading sustainability in europe 2022: no education (33%), no standards (30%), no collaboration (15%), other (8%). source:
Blue text stating "marketing & advertising industry & consumer views" on a gray background.
Bar chart displaying the most important marketing and advertising sectors in europe for 2023 ranked by percentage: sustainability at 85%, brand building 83%, e-commerce 71%, ai & automation 65%.
Bar chart displaying reasons companies invest in green technology in europe (2022), with "increase revenue" at 20.8% being the top reason, followed by "right thing to do" and others.
Infographic showing that in europe, 90% of companies deemed green marketing worthy of roi in 2022, with only 10% saying no.
Bar chart showing europe's sustainability goals in advertising for 2022: environmental impact (58%), carbon reduction (55%), biodiversity loss (39%), and other (5%). source:
Bar chart displaying top sources for u.s. consumers about brands' sustainability in 2023, with social media leading at 36%, followed by news articles, tv, online reviews, and emails.
Logo of featuring a stylized blue lightning bolt integrated with the letter 's' on a dark gray background.

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