Salem Baidas

PhD in Environmental Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey (USA) 2013.
About Dr. Salem Baidas
– PhD (2013) Stevens Institute of Technology (Environmental Engineering).
– MS (2003) Stevens Institute of Technology (Environmental Engineering).
– BS (2002) Stevens Institute of Technology (Environmental Engineering).
– Baidas, S. (2024) “Carbon capture technologies in OAPEC member countries and the circular carbon economy: a roadmap to zero emissions by 2050” Open Journal of Energy Efficiency, Vol. 13, No. 2, 25-37.
– Baidas, S. (2024) “Renewable energy development in OAPEC countries: history, current status, and outlook” Open Journal of Energy Efficiency, Vol. 13, No. 2, 38-56.
– Baidas, S., Al-Deyain, K., Meng, X. G., Baoyu G. (2023) “Biological reduction of perchlorate from spent modified reed mediated by an enriched microbial culture” J. Chem., 1-11.
– Baidas, S., Al-Deyain, K., Meng, X. G., Baoyu G. (2023) “Competitive removal of perchlorate ions by quaternary amine modified reed in the presence of nitrate and phosphate” Adsorp Sci Technol., Vol. 2023.
– Baidas, S., Ben-Sabt, M., Alshati, A., Alashwak, D., Malek, M. (2021) “Renewable energy in OAPEC member countries: effects on economic and environmental sustainability” Oil and Arab Cooperation Journal, OAPEC, Volume (47), Issue (178). Winner of the OAPEC scientific award in 2020.
– Baidas, S., Meng, X. G., Baoyu G. (2011) “Treatment of perchlorate by quaternary amine-modified giant reed and biodegradation by enriched microbial cultures” J. Hazardous Materials, 189, 54-61.
– Jing, C. Y., Meng, X. G., Liu, S., Baidas, S., Patraju, R., Christodoulatos, C., Korfiatis, G. K. (2005) “Surface complexation of organic arsenic on nanocrystalline titanium oxide” J. Colloid Interface Science, 290, 14-21.
– Baidas, S., Al-Shareedah, A., Al-Muzaini, S. (2005) “Assessment of arsenic in the marine environment of Kuwait” KISR, 1-17.
– Tang, H., Al-Bader, R., Baidas, S., Al-Shareedah, A. (2004) “Assessment of air pollution in Kuwait using all season passive sampling systems” IMEC, 1-39.
– Biodegradable plastic bag assessment in Kuwait.
– Assessment of air pollution in Kuwait by using all-season passive sampling systems.
– Assessment of arsenic in the marine environment of Kuwait.
– Electronic waste (E-waste) recycling and reuse in Kuwait.
– National oil and hazardous materials spill contingency plan.
– Membrane pilot study for Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada.
– Removal of perchlorate from drinking water using a modified giant reed, followed by biodegradation of the spent reed.
– Removal of organic arsenic from drinking water using titanium dioxide.
– Design of extraction wells for groundwater contaminated with heavy metals and Volatile Organic Contaminants (VOCs).
– Design of a bench-scale water treatment system to remove nitrate from agricultural water-runoff using iron chips.
– OSHA HAZWOPER: Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Responder, 29 CFR 1910.120.
– NJ HAZMAT Emergency Level 1 First Responder, NJSA 34:5A-1.
– Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS).
– Environmental Project Management.
– Dataiku Data Science Core Designer, Dataiku Academy.
– AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers).
– AWWA (American Water Works Association).
– Chi Epsilon (Civil Engineering Honor Society).
– SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology And Chemistry).