Green Hydrogen
January 2024 – Hydrogen is a gas used in heavy industries like oil refining, fertilizers, and steel manufacturing. Green Hydrogen is produced using an electrolyzer which is a device that uses electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Electricity is supplied by renewable energy sources such as wind and solar with no carbon emissions, which can aid in the decarbonization efforts and combat climate change. In 2017, the hydrogen council initiative was launched at the World Economic Forum to accelerate global clean hydrogen deployment. In 2019, the Clean Energy Ministerial Hydrogen Initiative (CEM H2I) was launched to commercialize clean hydrogen production. In 2021, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) launched a global program for hydrogen in the industry.
In this slideshow, you will learn about the definition, benefits, challenges, UN policy, and global statistics of green hydrogen production. Discover how green hydrogen technologies can reduce global carbon emissions, accelerate the clean energy transition, and meet net zero emission goals by the year 2050.