ESG Global Data
February 2024 – ESG investing, also called Sustainable Investing, involves buying the shares of companies that have excelled in three areas: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). An ESG fund is a fund that incorporates ESG factors into the investment process. The three main types of ESG funds are ESG mutual funds, ESG index funds, and ESG ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds). An ESG bond is a debt instrument issued by governments to fund projects with positive environmental, social, and governance impacts. ESG reporting is the public disclosure of ESG data. An ESG framework is a structured approach to ESG reporting. Using an ESG framework produces measurable results. An ESG rating, also called an ESG score, provides a benchmark for investors to evaluate a company’s ESG performance score and compare it to other companies.
In this slideshow, you will learn about the global statistics of ESG Investing, including ESG funds, ESG reporting, ESG performance, ESG targets, and ESG drivers and barriers.